EU System for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society
The EU System for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society (EU SEE) is a consortium of international organisations and network members across 86 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas and the Caribbean. The partnership implements and maintains an Early Warning Mechanism to document changes and shed light on critical trends in the enabling environment for civil society. EU SEE equips civil society, governments, and stakeholders with actionable insights to address challenges and leverage opportunities effectively. It focuses on addressing deterioration in the enabling environment and supporting opportunities for improving the enabling environment for civil society. The Early Warning and Monitoring Mechanism is strongly complementary to a Flexible Support Mechanism that responds to the need for more flexible and timely financial support for civil society in situations of urgency.
EU SEE has been set up in response to the authoritarian pushback of the last decade and the increasing restrictions on the enabling environment for civil society. Governments in both authoritarian states and established democracies are increasingly imposing restrictions on citizens and under these circumstances, coordinated efforts by civil society actors and their allies are more important than ever. An environment is enabling when it empowers civil society organisations to exercise their rights.
Definition of enabling environment for civil society
The combination of laws, rules and social attitudes that support and promote the work of civil society. Within such an environment, civil society can engage in political and public life without fear of reprisals, openly express its views, and actively participate in shaping its context. This includes a supportive legal and regulatory framework for civil society, ensuring access to information and resources that are sustainable and flexible to pursue their goals unhindered in safe physical and digital spaces. In an enabling environment, the state demonstrates openness and responsiveness in governance, promoting transparency, accountability, and inclusive decision-making. Positive values, norms, attitudes, and practices towards civil society from state and non-state actors further underscore the supportive environment.